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The Musical Challenge of a New Synthesis
Creating values of most advanced musical design, but with common sense, and without relying on a plain recycling of well-established and industrialized musical patterns.
I feel it’s time to turn back to the classical ideal of a universal musical language, but to a language of today, providing the basics for further growth into new musical richness, spreading into different branches of one tree. I feel strongly that this is doable!

In order to discover this kind of synthesis, three conditions must be fulfilled:
  • Creation of a new musical body zone.

  • Evolving a new musical spirit that will grow in synthesis with the new musical body elements.

  • Realizing the new style under the principle of the "Communication Level Pyramid".
These three conditions will grow together, but will need to be emphasized differently according to various time phases of their development.
New Metrics for a New Musical Body Zone

The musical body zone is characterized by measurement in time. The traditional measurement is strict periodical (3/4, 4/4, etc.). A new measurement will be based on a kind of metric modulation that invokes non-periodical and continuous metrics as well.

The metric modulation is a new way of musical streaming that allows a highly dynamical integration of any kind of modern musical expression without loosing its progressive power (listen to "Noise Symphony").
New Tonality for a New Musical Spirit

The new musical spirit will develop together with the new musical streaming. New tonality schemes and new sound scopes will need to be balanced for best integration into the new style.

A new tonality will be fundamental for a new emotional strength and probably find its new harmonic determinants along with frequency shifting rather than fixed tone positions that have been characteristic in the past. The electronic medium will be ideal for universal integration of sounds behaving seamless in the new tonal world (listen to "Blackbird’s Belief" of "Black Birds Garden").
The Communication Level Pyramid

The musical synthesis must reach a level of common understanding on a very low-entry level. Musical meaning will set forth in higher levels without interfering with the lower level. The music of the Vienna Classics has proven that very common understanding and highest artistic evidence are not contradicting but rather re-enforcing each other.

The new musical communication pyramid must have its basis in a broad community of listeners. This basis will evolve dynamically within a longer process of double-sided adaptation. Along with this development, new communication channels will be established (how the music will finally be realized, etc.).
   The Three-Zone-Dilemma

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