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Sonus (Canada) - Music search engine
Elektrophonie (France) - Musical examples
Digital Music Archives (United Kingdom) - Musical examples
Sand (USA) - An acousmatic composition with listener interface

ElectroCD (Canada) - Musical examples
MPS Music (UK) - Musical examples
Melange (International) - Musical examples
Andreas Weixler (Germany) - Musical examples

No Type (France) - MP3 Releases
empreintes DIGITALes (France) - MP3 Releases
Helicopter (International) - Noise style mp3's
Manifold Records (USA) - Musical examples

Karlheinz Essl (Austria) - Musical examples
DeGeM Web Radio (Germany) - Web stream of electroacoustic music
Entity (Belgium) - Musical examples of CD publications
Freesound (Spain) - Collection of Sounds under a Creative Commons License
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Could CyberMusic be a new music category?

Is a new world of music meeting high tech in a new way...

Food for thought page

We would love to receive any comments or information you might have on the development of CyberMusic.

Let us know what you think! Click the guestbook...
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Welcome to CYBERMUSIC WORLD an interactive music making page, that has been developed to enable a group of young Australian composition students the opportunity to share their musical creativeness with music students from around the globe.

My name is Mike Caesar and I am a composer, conductor and the senior music teacher at the bilingual Australian/French Lycee "Telopea Park School" in Canberra, Australia. As a teacher I am eager to share my experience as a composer with my students and I encourage them to explore Information Technology as a resource for their creative efforts.
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Free Music Trivia Game!

Join or Sign In to our Free Music Trivia Game Community. It's fast, free and easy! CyberMusic will never use your personally identifiable information for any reason.

Once you've joined, you'll have access to the CyberMusic Community, which provides a forum for users to discuss music and trade MP3's, as well as our Free Music Trivia Game!
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Music Technology project based in the North of England, we use synths, samplers and computers to create electronic music in various styles. Check out the downloads below.
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Sometimes, when I have a bit of a time on my hands and leave the VideoSpace, I design or re-mix cyber songs ...

... so, over time, they grow into a collection and I burn them all onto a CD

... who knows, maybe you will see me on MTV one of these days.
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You enter in a zone where is realized a fusion between these two formerly distinct worlds:

World of the high technology and world of the musical alternative-culture.

With a Cyberpunk attitude, Oisoft Rekords does not fight against this symbol of the money-business which became the current Internet, but adapts it in order to transform Internet in an instrument of alternative power or at least of alternative-culture.
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When I think of cybermusic, I think of it as the latest stop on music's evolutionary timeline. The earliest forms of music were made body alone. Then as times progressed, simple instruments were developed. Next were the more complex instruments and the ability to produce synthesized sounds. Finally, we arrive at the "cyber" aspect of it, which I think has taken music to the next level. No longer do we need a television or radio to see or hear it, a simple interface between human and pc make it possible to experience almost every kind of music up and coming in today's market.
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CYBERMUSIC - Experimental Pieces

"... musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul...any musical innovation is full of danger to the whole State, and ought to be prohibited... when modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the State always change with them."

Plato, The Republic
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Software for Cybermusic

You need sophisticated software in order to produce or listen to Cybermusic. Windows 95/NT has a media player that supports playing .wav files, and if you have installed MS Internet Explorer 3 you also have the capability of playing MPEG1 and MPEG2 encoded (mpg, mp2) files (more about file formats later).

The software section covers 32 bit Windows software at this time. I hope to get some help in testing out Mac and UNIX software in the future.

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