
What is Freesound Music?

Freesound Music is built of sounds that are shared by a world-wide alliance of sound creatives - the “Freesound” community (see Freesound website).

Freesound Music takes listening sensations from there one step further by applying two basic methods:
  • Organizing the sounds according to common musical experiences (4 basic recognition areas “Melody”, “Rhythm”, “Harmony”, “Effects”, and phenotypical sound classifications, see Workbench)
  • Realizing a new concept of flexible linkage between the sounds which leads to new sound combinations and new musical metrics (interactive Hypersound functionality utilized by easy-to-use web page assembly, and supported by multi-media ASP technology, see Web Songs samples and help)
Freesound Music is suitable for environmental, entertainment, artistic, and educational deployments. It is freely available (online and offline), but must be used in accordance with Creative Commons IP protection rules (see CC license) and adjacent service agreement coverage.

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