Howard Harawitz                                     Halifax,  Nova Scotia                                       Canada

About Howard Harawitz

·         Exit 0 (zero) - a collection of old and new pieces

·         Buffalo Chips - "Topical Techno" - musical commentaries on world affairs

·         Cybermusic - experimental pieces

Combining Music with Visuals


[ The following videos require Windows Media Player. You will need a high speed connection to view them.]

Persistence of Vision

Homo Electronicus



[ The following Flash movies all have audio.You may have to wait for the audio to download on some of them. If you have any trouble please contact me at -- Thanks ]

"How do I Respond?" asks US President GW Bush.
This is a topical Flash movie. It is a hefty file and will take a few minutes to download.

America is a Friend - Another topical Flash movie.
This is a large file which does not have a preloader. When you see a black background in your browser, the file is downloading.

The Halifax Explosion Song - A movie about the explosion that nearly destroyed the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, back in 1917. It was the largest manmade explosion before the atomic bomb blast that wiped out Hiroshima. Words and music are by Halifax resident, Danny MacIntyre. I did the photo-animation in Flash.

My first experiment in combining Flash with music

Another early, but more upbeat video

And another


"... musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul...any musical innovation is full of danger to the whole State, and ought to be prohibited... when modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the State always change with them."      Plato, The Republic