Csound News
Steven Yi releases Blue & Patterns v0.91.3

BLUE Features:
[*] The page has changed, and downloads are now accessible from a downloadpage provided by SourceForge
Updated/Fixed BLUE Features:
[*] the initial work of internationalizing blue. A great big thanks to Francisco Vila for providing a Spanish translation and Young Choi for providing a Korean translation of the menus

Luigi Negretti Lanner updates SY.MU.S & PvocEX [Win98 & WinXP]

Gabriel Maldonado releases CsoundAV 0.043

New Features:
[-] Auto-installing distributions, with examples, manuals and editor
[-] ASIO should work with most professional (i.e. 20, 24 and 32-bit) audio interfaces
[-] 32-bit float format is allowed for realtime in/out with portaudio (by setting -f flag), besides 16-bit integer format
[-] In the "Realtime File Output" area of the main window (hard-disk recording of realtime session), now the files written are true .wav files, not headerless raw files with .wav extension as in previous versions (you have to set -R flag, in order to rewrite header) . Also support of 32-bit float is allowed for recording when setting -f flag with portaudio output.
[-] Now portaudio displays correct amplitudes of the events on the console
[-] vcopy_i copies a table to another table at i-rate

Istvan Varga releases his DeveloperCsound 4.24.1

Language Changes:

[*] internal indexes to local and global pools of variables have been changed to use 32 bit variables (previously, 16 bit indexes were used). This allows much larger and more complex instruments to be written
New and Modified Opcodes:
[*] soundout, soundouts, soundoutc: Write audio rate signals to a raw (headerless) sound file in various formats
[*] loopl, loople,loopg, loopge: Simple loop opcodes that add the increment value (iincr or kincr) to the index variable (indx or kndx), storing the result in the index variable
[*] vector opcodes from CsoundAV:

xvadd, vmult, vpow, vexp, vaddv, vsubv, vmultv, vdivv, vpowv, vexpv, vcopy, vmap, vlimit, vwrap, vmirror, vlinseg, vexpseg, vrandh, vrandi, vport, and vecdelay

Bug Fixes:
[*] fixed bugs in reading of score files with very long lines
[*] MIDI opcodes should no longer crash when used with a channel that has not been initialized with massign
[*] included score files with multiple sections have been fixed
[*] fixed timing problems in long score files with very short time intervals; It is possible to revert to the old timing method by using the "--old-score-timing" command line option.
[*] soundout bug that made the output files shorter than the actual length of the note with soundout was fixed
[*] turnoff now skips the rest of the instrument if there is no release time (xtratim = 0)
[*] minor bug fixes in named instrument name lookup
Misc. Changes:
[*] Csound is now built as a shared library, and the Csound API has been extensively revised and new functions and structures have been added
[*] real-time audio modules and some opcodes are now built as dynamically loaded libraries (DLLs)
[*] the localization system of Csound (which used the file csound.xmg or csound.txt) was replaced.
[*] Csound for Win32 is now built using the MinGW headers and libraries instead of Cygwin (the Cygwin license is incompatible with that of Csound). This means that 'cygwin1.dll' is no longer needed to run Csound.
and Many More Changes

Steven Yi releases Blue & Patterns v0.91.2

BLUE Features:
[*] CVS of Sources for Blue and BlueShare now @ SourceForge
[*] added SwitchProcessor NoteProcessor: switches pfield1 with pfield2 for all notes in soundObject
[*] added end time to soundObject property dialog
[*] created blue_shortcuts.htm document that lists shortcuts in blue
[*] experiments with installer version of blue
Updated/Fixed BLUE Features:
[*] updated the opcodes.xml file, synchronized with Eckman's Winhelp 4.22
[*] changed blueShare server to have tree structure for categories
[*] reworked blueShare client
[*] made functions in NoteList final

John ffitch posts "his" TODO list during Canonical Csound Freeze

Code Freeze Projects to Futerize Canonical Csound:
[*] File formats - Need to make analysis formats more robust
[*] Byte order in src - Use config stuff to simplify the code
[*] OSC opcodes - These are currently not working
[*] New Parser - (details in developers archive)
[*] Return values - Use return values rather than globals
[*] Globals - Reduce the number of globals
[*] Memory use - Make it easier to stop memory leaks,
[*] Destructors - Make use of the destructor functions
[*] Bug fixes- There are still some outstanding bugs
[*] Argtype decode - Revise material in entry for expansion
[*] Remove Winsound - Remove all code remnants of Winsound
[*] Multiple Outs - Change to produce multiple output files
[*] Soundfiles - Decide which library to use.
[*] API - Get this clarified and integrated
[*] Automation bus - Add asynchronous variables
[*] Autoconf - Finish incorporation of autoconf code
[*] SoundLib - Portaudio now incorporated
... and much more!

Steven Yi updates The Csound Developers Page

New Features:

[*] a link to the Csound Jitterbug set up by John ffitch
[*] a link to the New Developer's Coding Guidelines
[*] a link to the Csound API
[*] a link to the manual reference "Adding your own Cmodules to Csound"

Hans-Christoph Steiner releases Cecilia 2.0.5b [Linux & MacOsX]

Notable Changes:
[*] first functional MacOS X port (in beta)
[*] a number of new modules
[*] fixed help
[*] helper app defaults set to modern programs

Bill Beck updates Cecilia for Windows

Steven Yi releases Blue & Patterns v0.91.1

BLUE Features:
[*] add runtime option for selecting look and feel edit starter script
[*] "Replace with SoundObject in Buffer" added to SoundObject popup menu
[*] added shortcuts for each tabbed pane and render/stop
Updated/Fixed BLUE Features:
[*] changed close shortcut to "Ctrl-W" instead of "Ctrl-F4"
[*] changed text areas in blueShare to be word wrapped
[*] changed hardcode use of CTRL key to platform dependent shortcut key(apple key on mac)
[*] fixed SoundObject property dialog

New PATTERNS Features:
[*] add blueShare (accessible from Tools menu)
[*] change Table.gridColor key for look and feel to darkGray

Mark Story revises CHOP Score Generator for Windows

New Features:
[*] Now a "normal" C/C++ Houdini CHOP plugin DSO/DLL built with the HDK
[*] The number of input channels have been increased to 128
The instrument menu now contains the first 127 General MIDI program #
[*] First + second f-tables have animatible params for the GEN table p-fields
[*] Added an option to allow the score data to be echoed to the console

Michael Gogins updates SilenceVST b2003.02.08 for Windows

New Features:
[*] The Loris plugin for analyzing, manipulating, and synthesizing sounds using the using the Reassigned Bandwidth-EnhancedAdditive Sound Model has been debugged and tested. Pitch-shifting, time-scaling, and morphing between sounds all work. It is now possible to perform all the analysis, manipulation, and resynthesis of sounds for a composition within the source code file for that composition.

Michael Gogins updates SilenceVST b2003.01.18 for Windows

New Features:

[*] The addition of a Lua binding for Kelly Fitz and Lippold Haken's Loris package for analyzing, manipulating, and synthesizing sounds using the using the Reassigned Bandwidth-Enhanced Additive Sound Model.

Istvan Varga releases his DeveloperCsound 4.24.0

Language Changes:

[*] Parsing of large orchestras was made faster.
[*] 32767 k-periods limit on release time (xtratim) removed
[*] new command line option (--expression-opt) that turns on some optimizations in expressions:
[*] redundant assignment operations are eliminated whenever possible.
[*] number of a- and k-rate temporary variables is significantly reduced.
[*] beat mode (-t n command line option) is closer to fully working, but still not perfect
[*] turnoff/release/MIDI note off code extensively revised.
Opcode Fixes:
[*] Seeding random numbers from the clock in rand etc is now at higher resolution in Windows and Linux
[*] rtclock fixed and Windows version has higher resolution now.
[*] midiin works on all systems and both with real-time and MIDI file input.
[*] Bugs in lowres/lowresx have been fixed.
[*] vco2init bug in selecting default table size is fixed.
New and Modified Opcodes:
[*] bqrez: a second-order multi-mode filter (Matt Gerassimoff; revised in version
[*] subinstrinit: same as subinstr, but i-time only and has no output arguments.
[*] nstrnum: returns the number of a named instrument.
[*] denorm a1[, a2[, a3[, ... ]]]
- mixes low level (~1e-20 for floats, and ~1e-56 for doubles) noise to a list of a-rate signals. Useful on Intel CPUs to avoid "denormals".
[*] kr delayk ksig, idel[, imode] k-rate delay with fixed delay time
[*] kr vdel_k ksig, kdel, imdel[, imode]k-rate delay with variable delay time
[*] Several new opcodes for more efficient arithmetic

xsig1 Add xsig2, xsig3 - xsig1 = xsig2 + xsig3
xsig1 Sub xsig2, xsig3 - xsig1 = xsig2 - xsig3
xsig1 sub xsig2, xsig3 - xsig1 = xsig2 - xsig3
xsig1 Mul xsig2, xsig3 - xsig1 = xsig2 * xsig3
xsig1 mul xsig2, xsig3 - xsig1 = xsig2 * xsig3
xsig1 Div xsig2, xsig3 - xsig1 = xsig2 / xsig3
xsig1 div xsig2, xsig3 - xsig1 = xsig2 / xsig3

vincr xsig1, xsig2 - xsig1 = xsig1 + xsig2
vdecr xsig1, xsig2 - xsig1 = xsig1 - xsig2
vmul xsig1, xsig2 - xsig1 = xsig1 * xsig2
vdiv xsig1, xsig2 - xsig1 = xsig1 / xsig2

Inc xsig - xsig = xsig + 1
Dec xsig - xsig = xsig - 1
dec xsig - xsig = xsig - 1
shl xsig - xsig = xsig + xsig
sqr xsig - xsig = xsig * xsig

[*] FLsetVal implemented (ported from CsoundAV 0.04)
[*] some opcode aliases added for CsoundAV compatibility:
ftlen2(): same as ftlen()
tab_i: same as i-time tab
tabw_i: same as i-time tabw
[*] schedwhen supports named instruments
[*] rbjeq: parametric equalizer with 7 filter types
[*] schedwhenname, schedkwhenname, eventname: for compatibility with canonical Csound
[*] many opcodes were ported from CsoundAV:
tab, tabw: fast ftable access, also non-power of two
metro: generates k-rate impulses at a given frequency
vdelayk: another k-rate delay
mandel: Mandelbrot fractals
vcella: a cellular automata
zr(): access zak space from expressions
tb0_init, tb1_init, ..., tb15_init:
tb0(), tb1(), ..., tb15(): access ftables from expressions
max_k: maximum or average value of a signal
[*] FLpack has three new optional arguments (see CsoundAV manual)
[*] distort1 has a new optional argument that defaults to zero, and selects amplitude scaling mode
[*] readclock can be used at both init and control rate

Many Other Changes:

Luigi Negretti Lanner releases SY.MU.S A.0 for Win98 & WinXP

New Features:
[*] Path manager window
[*] Help manager
[*] Included DirectCsound4.65 by Gabriel Maldonado: this version of Csound it is ready to run in the first Symus run-time
[*] Pre-set configuration: after Symus is installed and run in a start configuration; an orchestra and score example are present in default orc-sco files, (press F1 in 'Command Console' window for process it).

Matt J. Ingalls releases MacCsound with GUI for osX

[*] New GUI Objects! real-time sliders, buttons, meters, and text objects all graphically editable and saved in .csd files.
[*] Changed all Fonts and Graphic Interfaces to look better on OSX.
[*] Restructured Orc/Sco/etc views to use Appearance Manager Tab View.
[*] Real-time MIDI support on OSX.
[*] Real-time keyboard input.
[*] Added Automatic Documentation Lookup in system’s default web browser of a selected opcode name.
[*] Added a ‘Export to .orc & .sco’ format option.
[*] Preferences now ignore older Pref file versions.
[*] Revised <MacOptions> format in .csd file for easier reading/editing by hand.
[*] Restructured audio code [again]
[*] http://csounds.com/matt/MacCsound launch-able from Help menu.
[*] Upgraded to newest WASTE Text Editor Version.
[*] merged 4.23 sources for CsoundLib, including
[-] named instruments and opcodes
[-] merged all of Istvan Varga's current fixes [i think]
[-] if/then/else support
[-] external plugin opcodes
[-] other minor bug fixes

John ffitch releases Public Csound 4.23 for SGI Platform

Matt J. Ingalls releases csound~1.1 for os9 + osX Max/MSP

[*] OSX Version
[*] New CsoundLib 4.23 and support
[*] New 'MIDI' message for raw MIDI data input
[*] Minor bug fixes

Luigi Lanner posts English & Italian SY.MU.S Tutorials

Istvan Varga releases Virtual Keyboard & Controller for Linux

Steven Yi releases Blue v0.91.0 featuring blueShare Server


[*] blueShare Server Support (under the "Tools" menu)
[-] an online sharing site for blue resources
[-] currently, only instruments are shareable
[-] blueShare allows for submitting and importing instruments to/from a blueShare server all from within the blue program environment. This means you could start a new blue work file, open up blueShare, go through the different repository of instruments, download a few instruments straight into your work file and get to working.

Csound Stuff

[+] CsoundWin [ffitch]
[+] CsoundMacPPC [ffitch-ingalls]
[+] CsoundVST [gogins]
[+] MacCsound [ingalls]
[+] CsoundAV [maldonado]
[+] CsoundLnX [phillips]
[+] LinuxWinDevCsound [varga]
[+] CsoundMax [park]
CsoundPD [finnendahl]

[+] The Bath Archives [ffitch]
[+] Bath - Newest [ffitch]

[+] Install Csound - Macintosh
[+] Install Csound - Windows
[+] Install Csound - Dos/Win [ekman]
Install Csound - Linux [phillips]

[+] Boothe Manual FTP [v4.10]
Boothe Manual HTML [v4.15]
[+] Conder Manual FTP [v4.22]
[+] Conder Manual [v4.22]

[+] Ekman WinHelp [v4.20]

[+] Csound Release Notes

[+] What's Csound? [boulanger]

[+] The Csound FAQ

[+] Csound Beginner Toots [Dr.B.]
[+] Csound Book: Chapter 1[Dr.B.]
[+] Mastering Csound [em article]
Scanned Synthesis Tutorial [Dr.B.]
...more Tutorials
[+] Other Csound Tutorials
[+] Composing Ambient Music [cascone]

[+] Students & Colleagues of Dr. B.
[+] The Csound Station @ mp3.com
...from The Csound Book
[+] Featured Works
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[+] Amsterdam Catalog
[+] Csound Catalog - Selections
[+] Steven Cook
[+] Josep Comajuncosas
[+] Gabriel Maldonado
[+] Hans Mikelson
[+] Luca Pavan
[+] Russell Pinkston
[+] Istvan Varga
[+] Erik Spjut

[+] Mikelson's Csound Ezine

[+] History of Csound [vercoe]

[+] Dr. Richard Boulanger
[+] Dr. Max Mathews
[+] Dr. Barry Vercoe
[+] More Csound People
... Csound Courses
[+] Csound University Courses

[+] Csound Front Ends
[+] Summer '02 EM Feature
[+] Blue & Patterns [yi]
[+] Cecilia for Linux [bourgeois]
[+] Cecilia for MacOs9 [piché]
[+] Cecilia for MaxOsX [steiner]
[+] Cecilia for Windows [beck]
[+] WinXsoundPro2 [bonetti]

[+] Csound Utilities

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[+] Inside Csound [ekman]

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